Traffic & Safety Incidents
Did you see a cougar while walking in the Park? Is someone speeding by your house? Is there an icy spot that makes driving dangerous? Has someone entered your property without permission? Are there ATV's or motorcycles cruising through the Park? Did a vehicle wipe out a road sign? Let your friends and neighbors in Ponderosa Park know by submitting a Traffic & Safety Incident Report. You can use the report for anything that affects the safety of Ponderosa Park residents. If the incident is something that immediately impacts residents, such as the reservoir running dry or extremely icy conditions at Golden Pine and Ponderosa, a broadcast email will be sent to all residents.
Report the incident by clicking on Data Entry Forms in the left panel under Residents, then click Traffic & Safety Incident Report. For printable step by step instructions for completing the report, click here or on the link below.
Do not use the Traffic & Safety Incident Report for a crime in progress. Report crimes in progress directly to the Klickitat County Sheriff's office at 911 or (509) 773-4545.